Spring Event
Power Wheels
Demolition Derby

- Saturday, May 4th -

Spring Event Power Wheels Demolition Derby

Saturday, May 4th • 6:00 P.M.

Registration 5:00 - 5:30 P.M.
No Entry Fee Required.

1. This is for kids ages 3 – 7 years old. Please note age requirement change.

2. Derby is limited to 6 or 12 volt Power Wheels vehicles only.

3. No added reinforcement for strength. Let the kids have fun painting them.

4. Stock tires only. No screws in tires. No chains. No objects protruding from vehicle, etc.

5. Do not raise or lower Power Wheels' body. Power Wheels must sit like it came from the store.

6. Stock battery can be replaced with 12 volt lawn mower battery. Batteries MUST be secured.

7. Helmets are mandatory. Bicycle helmet is ok to use.

8. Seat belts are recommended.

9. No Passengers.

10. When choosing a Power Wheels for your child, please keep in mind that these vehicles will be running into each other.The Power Wheels need to be the kind that your child SITS INSIDE, NOT ON.

11. Everyone must pay at the gate for entry to the fair.

For More Information, Contact:
Steven Smith 931-212-4668 • Lori Smith (931) 675-8380